Preparing for surgery

Having an operation is a major undertaking. Mr Miranda will have gone through with you the benefits, risks and alternatives to having an operation for your specific hand condition. By the time you have been scheduled for an operation, you should have all the necessary information you need. 

However, a number of things that you can do to best prepare yourself and your hand for surgery are as follows:-

Ensure that all rings worn on the hand to be operated can be removed before you attend the hospital for your surgery.

All nail varnish is removed. 

Ideally false nails should be removed before surgery to minimise the risk of infection.


Know and follow the instruction given on when to stop eating and drinking. Chewing gum and sweets should not be consumed from the time you are instructed not to eat.  

Consider the time off or amended duties you will require from work.

Consider also the time you will not be driving or riding a bike. 

Consider the arrangements you will need at home for you and your family while your hand function is limited. In most cases Mr Miranda will discuss this at your consultation when you are scheduled for surgery. 

Attend the pre-operative assessment appointment as instructed. This is where the necessary health checks are done to ensure you are safe medically for your operation. A nurse at the hospital where you will be having you operation usually carries this out. Sometimes if you have significant medical conditions, an Anaesthetist will see you. An Anaesthetist is the doctor who will be administering your anaesthetic.

If you still have questions before your operation, these can be answered at the pre-operative assessment appointment or by contacting Mr Miranda’s secretary.